# Install

Installation guide will help you to install your Mergin Maps CE or Mergin Maps EE to the latest server version. The main SaaS Mergin Maps Server is always up-to-date and managed by Mergin Maps team. Read more about server platforms in overview article

# Installation System Requirements

We recommend using a dedicated host machine with 8 GB of memory. The requirements for CPU and persistent storage depend largely on the frequency of project updates and the anticipated size of the data you expect to store respectively.

# Mergin Maps EE Docker Images

Enterprise Edition only

The Mergin Maps CE images are stored on publicly accessible Lutra Consulting's Docker.

Mergin Maps EE images are stored on a private AWS repository. To get access, you need your contract and licence from our sales team.

Afterwards, you can follow this guide to retrieve your Mergin Maps EE images.

# Deployment

Follow these steps to run a local Mergin Maps instance.

# Start docker containers

Provided that docker and docker-compose are installed on your host, running Mergin Maps stack should be as simple as running docker-compose. However, before doing that you would need to configure your server setup via environment variables in .prod.env (opens new window) file.

Once configured, you can run:

$ mkdir -p projects # or wherever you set it to be
$ sudo chown -R  901:999 ./projects/
$ sudo chmod g+s ./projects/
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up


# Initialise database

If server is started for the first time, database needs to be initialised and super-user created (set admin username, password and email):

$ docker exec merginmaps-server flask init-db
$ docker exec merginmaps-server flask user create <username> <password> --is-admin --email <email>

# Setup environment

Now tweak deployment settings by modifying environment variables. You have to fix all variables marked as fixme (with asterisks) in this list of environment variables.