# How to Reuse Last Entered Values

Reusing last entered values of selected attributes can make digitising of similar features in Mergin Maps mobile app faster. When attributes are marked for reuse, the values from the last feature are already entered when a new feature is created.

# Reuse last value option

To allow this functionality, follow these steps:

  • Open your project from the home screen
  • Click on three dots to open a menu and navigate to Settings

Mergin Maps mobile app More button

  • Toggle on Reuse last value option

Settings Reuse last value option

  • Go back to map
  • Click Record and create a new feature
  • In the form you will see checkboxes next to attributes. Here, we have three editable attributes (besides fid). Check the attributes, which values you want to reuse in features you will create next. In our case, we checked the Name and Value. Save the feature.

Check attributes to reuse last value in form

  • When creating another feature, the checked attributes in the form will contain the values from the previous feature.

Reused values in feature's form

You can use the Reuse last value option across multiple layers. The mobile app will remember attributes for each layer separately.

This feature was inspired by QGIS functionality called Reuse last entered attribute values.