
Empower agronomists with geodata-driven insights to enhance crop yields, optimise resource management and improve overall productivity

Trusted by more than 100 000 users

in over 190 countries that effectively collaborate on geospatial data with Mergin Maps software.

Harness the power of QGIS in agriculture


Collect field data easily

Digitise comprehensive data collection on soil conditions, crop health, irrigation needs, livestock data and eliminate pen and paper records.


Share your projects with your team

Invite your collaborators easily and share a survey project with a few clicks.


Georeference field issues

Geolocate parasites, diseases or damages and track your progress over time.


Use wide range of form widgets

Use checkboxes, date selection, numeric fields, pictures or QR codes to collect precise information about crop health, pest infestation, humidity or soil conditions.


Get valuable insights and reports

Collect the data in QGIS and analyse it with advanced reporting to improve the efficiency of your production.

See how agriculture companies use Mergin Maps for a field survey

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