Construction and engineering

Allocate resources, visualise spatial data and track construction progress and history
to improve your construction management.

Trusted by more than 100 000 users

in over 190 countries that effectively collaborate on geospatial data with Mergin Maps software.

Harness the power of QGIS
in engineering


High-accuracy GPS
and location services

Capture precise location data (latitude, longitude and elevation) for all recorded information by connecting to an external GNSS device.


Stake out

Navigate to the exact location of a structure or asset.


Mapping functionality and overlays

Visualise collected data directly on a topographical map with plans, designs, contours and 3D data.


Offline functionality
and data synchronisation

Capture data seamlessly even in remote locations with limited or no internet connectivity and sync when online.


Photo capture with geotagging

Ensure photos are automatically geotagged with their capture location, linking visual evidence directly to specific spatial coordinates.


Pre-defined forms
with spatial awareness

Utilise customisable forms tailored to specific data collection tasks (e.g., inspection checklists, material delivery logs, equipment deployment records) integrated with location services, allowing users to capture data points with their corresponding spatial coordinates automatically.


Real-time data
sharing and collaboration

Share data updates, observations, photos, and maps with colleagues and supervisors in real-time.

See how engineering companies use Mergin Maps for a field survey

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