Local government and municipalities

Improve public services with accurate local data collection and real-time updates.

Trusted by more than 100 000 users

in over 190 countries that effectively collaborate on geospatial data with Mergin Maps software.

Harness the power of QGIS in government


Customizable forms

Municipalities can create specific digital forms tailored to different departments' needs. This ensures data collection caters to unique tasks like park maintenance checklists, building code inspections, or animal control reports.


Rich media integration

Capturing photos in the field with location data  expands documentation and reporting capabilities. Attach a picture of a pothole or graffiti for a clearer explanation in the field report.


Location awareness

Integration with GPS provides precise location data for every observation. This helps  municipalities to effectively manage infrastructure assets (like streetlights), optimise resource allocation for tasks (like street sweeping), and track maintenance progress geographically.


Connection to a central geo-database

Avoid data silos across departments. Link your projects to a centralised database with db-sync and Postgres or share information with ease across your Workspace using the application.


Map overlays

Connect to web map publishing services (e.g. WMS/WFS) from the local authority and allow field workers to access and update centralised spatial data directly on their devices, streamlining workflows and improving data accuracy.

See how governments use Mergin Maps for field surveys

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